Sunday, February 15, 2009


excuse me...your balls are showing

hell's angel

me, and erin eating my dust

drinking water out of a fruit?

water, running up?

erin drinking the mysterious fruit water

our seat for our 7 hour train ride home

road warriors

Thursday, February 12, 2009


crazy loooking spider

outside of taroko gorge

scooter pic!

pig attacking us in the streets of hualien

troll bridge

killer bee hive

the temple and statue in the distance

the temple

statue up close

many steps

wise men

me conquering the stairs

the stairs conquered erin

hi guys!

she didnt want to take any pictures

its windy

chinese new year

badass dragon thing

samurai monkey statue

cow samurai, aparently making haste with a television...

these things were all over

a dragon

a dragon eating me

temple guardians

chinese new year dinner; duckfeet, squid, fish, vegetables, crab, shrimp w/black beady eyes, etc.

hanging blessings in the temple

dudes fighting at welcome spring ceremony

god of fortune

more gods

year of the ox...mad cows

straw ox (front)

straw ox (explicit)

dragon dance in the store