Sunday, November 2, 2008


we just returned from a little trip we took last night to Wulai, a little vacation town popular for natural hot springs and waterfalls. tucked between some mountains and surrounded by rivers, its an aboriginal township that still practices its origianl culture and traditions. so along with gorgeous views and soaking in sulfur enriched waters, we got to experience a bit of anchient asian culture as well. we stayed in a hot spring hotel/spa and enjoyed our own little hot spring in our room. today we hiked around the top of the waterfall area for a while and then soaked our feet in a natural hot spring river, which is pretty much as cool as it sounds. it ws really relaxing so theres nothing too crazy to talk about so ill keep this one short. we posted a lot of pictures though, so keep on scrollin!
aboriginal hunter w/ hog
for you zlatko!

we joined the tribe

my aboriginal hunny

tribal piggy back ride

loungin in our hot spring spa

a view

wulai is the tiny town between the mountains

another view

the river down below...
the waterfall!


our hot spring spa


the archer
prince of thieves

this tiger scared erin, she got revenge

oh, you spittin dirt...


Wulai pics 3

giant leaf

mini waterfall along the trail we hiked

erin sneakin a peek

Taiwan and poopoo

those of you who have been talking to us since weve been here know a little bit about taiwan's infatuation with poopoo. the country loves it and its always coming out of my kids' mouths. phrases such as "teachuh poopoo mike" or "teachuh you aw so poopoo" are comonly used in my classroom. clever team names like Poopoo monkey, monkey poopoo, and poopoo boys/girls are always used when we play games in class. these are just a few examples of poopoo's influence on the country we currently reside in. to further elaborate, ive posted some more examples for you too see...enjoy!!!

Poopoo Pics!!

on a license plate...
poopoo candy...tastes like smarties

he finished his test early...

erin in a pile of poopoo @ the zoo

PooPoo!!!!!! 2

wall of poopoo @ the zoo
heres why

a HUGE sign of pigs pooping in a toilet and what hppens to it after

the whole picture

bathroom sign